Saturday, May 30, 2009

The story of prophet HOD.PART(4)


In that period of time, the people of ،Ād built the greatest city world. It was the city of Iram: “The like of which was not created in the (other) cities.”

It was full of palaces and gardens. Shaddād- a strong, pagan man- ordered the city to be built. He wanted it to be a garden to live in.

He thought that he would never die. He was very strong, so he thought that he would be immortal.


The third season of rainfall came. However, there was nothing except dryness. The wind blew and moved waves of sands to the valleys, which were once green.

Famine struk the land of al-Ahqāf.

Prophet HUD went on inviting his people to believe in Allah. He wanted them to refrain from worshipping idols.

Prophet HUD said to his people: “Allah, the Glorified, is able to create rain and enliven the dry land. Allah, the Most High, is able to create plants in the valleys and plains. Idols are useless stones.”

In spite of this, the tribes of ،Ād did not believe in the message of HUD. They obeyed the tyrants.

No one believed in HUD except some good people. In the third season, the people of al-Ahqāf went outside. They looked at the sky waiting for rain.

The sky was clear and blue. There was no cloud in it. The pagans slaughtered more rams for their gods. They thought that the god of fertility would save them from drought; still, there was no rain.

Prophet HUD came to his people. He wanted to give them the last advice. He said to them: “Turn to Allah in repentance. Only Allah can send clouds and create plants.”

The people of ،Ād scolded our Prophet HUD. They said to him: “Go away! You’re mad! You’re a liar! If you’re truthful, let your Lord punish us! We won’t leave our gods. Our gods bestow blessings upon us, send clouds, create plant and increase our cattle! Our gods never forget that!”

Prophet HUD was sad for his people. He wanted them to believe in Allah He wanted them to lead a peaceful life.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The story of prophet HOD.PART(3)


The season of rain came, but it wan not rain. Clouds passed through the sky of al-Ahqāf and went far away. They gathered and then they scattered. The people of ،Ād lived on pastures, agriculture and the fruit of their gardens.

That year passed, but it not rain.

Their products decreased. Some of their cattle died because of hunger. Some trees died because of the lack of rain.

The people of ،Ād went to their gods. They worshipped them and sacrificed rams for them, but all their efforts were in vain.

The next season came. Clouds gathered. The people of ،Ād rejoiced at that. The clouds were black. Some of them said: “Those clouds are full of rain.” Suddenly, the clouds scattered.

They doubled the number of sacrifices. However, clouds appeared and then they disappeared. The wind blew and carried sand for them.


Prophet Hud came and preached his people. He said to them: “O people, I love you. I want to do good for you.” Then he said to them: “O people ask forgiveness of your Lord, and then turn to him in repentance. He will send on you clouds pouring down abundance of rain and add strength to your strength.”

The people of ،Ād did not listen to the preaching of Allah’s Apostle. They turned away from him and threatened him. Moreover, they went to their gods and sacrificed rams for them.

The season of rain ended. Not a drop of rain fell down. Their land became dry.

Their green land became a desert. Most of their cattle and trees died.

A third year came. It was a critical year. Their water was little. They kept it for the remaining animals; they did not water their fields.

They went to their temples every day and worshipped and supplicated to their idols. Meanwhile prophet Hud advised his people and invited them to believe in Allah, the Great and Almighty. He wanted them to understand that Allah had power over all things and that the idols were just stones.