Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The story of prophet HOD.PART(2)

They oppressed the innocent and severely punished those who did not follow their beliefs and way of life.

Good people were afraid of them. They were a weak minority. The rich were strong and tall and had big muscles. Their hearts were as hard as stone. Prophet Hud lived in that area during that period of time.

Prophet Hud was righteous. He had a good heart and he loved good. Allah the Glorified chose him as a prophet and sent him as a messenger to his people.

Prophet Hud invited his people to worship Allah, the One and Only. He prevented them from worshipping idols and gods. He told them that idols and gods were useless stones.

Prophet Hud was brave. He was not afraid of the pagans. The pagans had strong bodies. However, prophet Hud was stronger than them in will and spirit, for he supported Allah and Allah supported him. Allah has power over all things.

The good people believed in the mission of prophet Hud, but they were few in number.

The strong and the luxurious people mocked prophet Hud. They mocked at his mission and said that Hud was foolish and mad. They hurt and threatened him.

Prophet Hud went on inviting his people to believe in Allah. He always preached them. He reminded them of Allah’s blessings and favors, but all his efforts were in vain.

They thought that the god’s bestowed blessing upon them, caused rain to com down, caused grass to grow and increased their cattle.

They said: “Hud is mad. The gods have cursed him.” They also wanted to make Hud afraid of the final result. They said to him: “If you go on inviting us to believe in your Lord, the gods will punish you.”

Prophet Hud challenged the tyrants of ،Ād. He also challenged their gods.

He went on carrying out his mission, so the tyrants were unable to resist him.

The people of ،Ād were two parties. One party believed in Allah and the Day of Judgment. They were few in number. The other party disbelieved in Hudُs message. They adopted aggression, corruption and misguidance. Prophet HUD had no hope in reforming them, for they insisted on living a life of misguidance.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The story of prophet HOD.PART(1)

In the Name of Allah


When you carefully consider the Arab Peninsula, you will find a wide desert area in the east. It is the area of al-Rub، al-Khāli. This area is void of all marks of life; there are neither plants nor water.

Was this area a desert thousands of years ago?

The answer is no. There were green fertile areas in this desert land. The archeologists have found the ruins of a city buried under the sand.

The strong tribes of ،Ād lived in this area in the prehistoric ages. They belonged to the ancient Arabs. History has mentioned nothing about them. Only the Holy Koran has mentioned them.

The tribes of ،Ād lived in that green grassy area. It rained during the different seasons. So the earth became fertile. Brooklets and small streams were full of water and fields were pretty.

Their land was full of date-palms, grapevines and fields. Moreover, their gardens were spacious.

The people of that time took special care of building houses. They were specialists in building palaces, castles and forts.

They were strong and self-conceited. The blessings made them ungrateful. They did not listen to the voice of reason.

They were pagans, who worshipped idols. They made the idols with their own hands and then they worshipped them.

They built their temples on hills and put idols in them. They said: “This is the god of fertility, this is the god of sea, this is the god of land and that is the god of war.”

For this reason, they turned to those idols when they faced a certain misfortune.

The land of al-Ahqāf was green. It was full of pastures. Their cattle were many. So they led a life of luxury and haughtiness.

They thought that their gods had brought about all those blessings. So they clung strongly to their gods.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The story of prophet NOAH. PART(8)

It stopped raining. The earth swallowed up its water. The level of water abated day by day.

The mountains and the hills appeared. Some valleys were still full of water.

Allah inspired Noah: “O Noah, descend with peace from us and blessings on you and on the people from among those who are with you.”

Noah and the believers left the Ark. They descended from the mountain.

The earth became clean and pure. The believers returned to their life. They were a small society. However, the society was free from the unbelievers. It believed in Allah and His Apostle.

Life came back to the earth. The believing society led a peaceful life. There was neither oppressor nor oppressed one.

There was neither thief nor wrong-doer. Prophet Noah and the believers led a life of peace.

Noah lived a long life. His age was very long, for he invited his people to believe in Allah for 950 years.

How old was Noah when Allah sent him to his people? How long did he live after the flood? No body knows that. However, he lived a long life.

Noah was sitting under the sun when the angel of death came to him. The angel of death asked him: “You’ve lived a long life. What’s your opinion of life?”

Noah rose, sat in the shade and said: “My life in this world was as this movement from the sunlight to this shade.”

Noah closed his eyes. He carried out his message and saved people from destruction.

For this reason, Allah, the glorified, singled Noah out with immortal greetings. That was when He said: “Peace and salutation to Noah among the nations.”


In July 1950, some Russian archeologists looked for ruins in the Qāf Valley. They found old pieces of wood scattered about. This urged them to drill deeper in the ground. They found other fossil pieces of wood.

The archeologists found an oblong piece of wood. The piece was 14 inches long and 10 inches wide. The archeologists were astonished to see the piece of wood. For the piece of wood was unchanged. It was not decayed or broken as the other pieces of wood were.

In 1952, the archeologists discovered that piece of wood belonged to the Ark of Noah (A. S.) and that the other pieces of wood belonged to the body of Noah’s Ark.

The historians mentioned that the Ark of Noah (A. S.) anchored on the top of Mount Qāf. Some letters were written on the piece of wood. The letters dated back to an ancient language.

The Russian government formed a team of archeologists in 1953. The team included seven professionals in ancient languages.

They are as follow:
1. Sula Nouf, Professor of Languages, Moscow University.
2. Ifahan Khnyo, a scholar in ancient languages, Lolohan College, China.
3. Mishanin Lo, manager of ancient monuments.
4. Tanmol Gorf, Professor of Languages, Kivzo College.
5. Day Rakn, Professor of ancient monuments, Linin Institute.
6. Im Ahmed Kolad, manager of general excavations and discoveries.
7. Major Kolad, Head of Stalin University.

After an eight- month- study, the above- mentioned linguists concluded that the piece of wood belonged to Noah’s Ark. They also concluded that Prophet Noah (A. S.) had nailed it the front part of his Ark to protect it from the flood.

The letters on this piece of wood were written in a Semitic language. The British scholar, Ef Max, professor translated the letters into English as follows:

O my Lord and Helper,
Help me through your favor and mercy.
(Help me) for the sake of these names: Mohammed, Alia, shabur, shabir, and Fatima.

They are all great and honorable.

The world is standing for them.

Help me by their names.

Only you can guide me to the straight path.

The foregoing scholars were astonished at the greatness of the above-mentioned five names and the rank of their owners with Allah, The Most High. Noah (A. S.) supplicated to Allah through these names.

However, no one of them knew the reason why the piece of wood did not decay despite being there for thousands of years. It is worth mentioning that this piece of wood is now in the Moscow Museum.

Prophet Mohammed (S. A. W.) said: “My family is like Noah’s Ark. Whoever embarked on it was saved. Whoever missed it drowned?”


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The story of prophet NOAH. PART(7)


The angel came down to the Prophet and the believers with the Sacred Words. Noah wrote those words on a small tablet to protect the Ark from sinking into the flood.

At that time people wrote in the ancient Semitic language.

Noah wrote the following Sacred Words on the tablet:

My Lord and Helper, help me through Your favor and mercy.

(Help me) for the sake of these Sacred Names: Mohammed, Alia, Shabur, Shabir and Fatima. They are all great and honorable. The world is standing for them. Help me by these names. Only You can guide me to the straight path.

Noah hung the tablet on the front part of the Ark. The believers considered carefully the Sacred Names of the persons who were not born yet. They were of Noah’s progeny.

The Ark went on making its way through the rough waves of the sea. It headed for the North.

The rain went on falling heavily. The believers were praying to Allah to save them from the great flood.

After forty days, it stopped raining. The clouds dispersed gradually. The sun rose. A beautiful rainbow appeared in the horizon. The rainbow was colorful- green, blue, orange and violet. The colors were beautiful. They made the believers hopeful.

Prophet Noah released a crow. The crow flew high in the sky. It turned in space and then it returned, for it found no land to sit on.

Then Noah released a white pigeon. The pigeon set off. It flew over the water till it disappeared.

After a while, the pigeon came back. It was carrying an olive-tree twig in its pink beak.

Noah and the believers rejoiced at that. The flood ended. Allah protected the believers from the wickedness of the unbelievers.

Then Noah released the same pigeon. The pigeon flew into the sky and did not return.

Noah knew that the pigeon found land to settle on. The ark headed for the North. Then it anchored on the top of Mount Judi.

Allah, the Glorified, ordered the sky and the earth: “O earth, swallow down your water and O cloud, clear away; and the water were made to abate.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The story of prophet NOAH. PART(6)


Noah was still waiting for his son to com. He thought that his son was a believer.

The earth was like a sea full of rough waves.

Noah looked at the village to see his son. He saw him swimming towards the mountains.

Noah shouted at the top of his voice: “Son, come to me! Son, come to the Ark!”

The son shouted: “No! I’ll go to that mountain. It’ll protect me from the rain.

In the midst of the wind, the waves and the rain, Prophet Noah shouted again at the top of his voice: “Son, com with us! There’s nothing to protect you from drowning!”

Noah wanted his son to understand that there was nothing to protect him from Allah’s decree. He wanted him to understand that the flood would cover everything for Allah decided to purify the earth from wickedness.

Noah shouted at his son for the third time. However, a strong wave came and covered his son.

Noah thought that his son was a believer. Allah had promised Noah that he would save his family except his wife. So Noah looked at the sky and said: “My Lord, surely my son is of my family and Your promise is surely true and You are the most just of the judges.”

Allah, the Glorified, inspired Noah and said to him: “O Noah, he is not of your family. Surely he is (the doer of) other than good deeds. Therefore ask not of Me that of which you have no knowledge.”

Noah understood that his son was an unbeliever and that he did not believe in Allah and the message of his father, the Prophet (A. S.).

Noah asked Allah for forgiveness: “My Lord, I seek refuge in You from asking You that of which I have no knowledge. And if You do not forgive me and have mercy on me, I shall be of the losers.”

The waves swallowed up everything. The destructive flood covered all things. The Ark moved. It floated on the water.

Noah said: “It’s sailing and its anchoring is by Allah’s name.”

The Ark made its way through the waves. The earth was like a great sea. There was nothing except water and the tops of mountains.

The rain went on falling heavily. Water was gushing out of the earth. Days passed, but it was still raining heavily. The wind became stronger. The waves were rougher. They were as the mountains.

Forty days passed. However, it was raining heavily. The Ark was making its way through the waves which were as high as the mountains.

Noah and the believers prayed to Allah to have mercy on them and save them.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The story of prophet NOAH. PART(5)


One day, the sky became over clouded. It got very dark.

Noah was looking at the sky waiting for Allah’s order.

The unbelievers increased their oppression and corruption. They killed people and robbed their houses. They did evil deeds. Wickedness increased day by day.

The little girl came running to Noah and said to him: “The water has flowed out!” So Prophet Noah went there quickly. Allah achieved His promise. The water was like a fountain. The water was flowing out with force.

The old woman was bewildered, not knowing what to do.

The believers went to the old woman’s house to look at Allah’s sign. Some of them looked at the water in astonishment. Some of them were looking at the sky. They all were weeping out of joy.

The sky was full of dark clouds.

day was as dark as night.

Prophet Noah ordered his followers: “Come on. Let’s go to the Ark!

Noah and his followers went outside the village. The Ark was at its place waiting for the believers.

Noah ordered the believers to embark the Ark.

Suddenly, lightning flashed in the3 sky. Thunder boomed strongly. It was raining heavily. The believers, both men and women, were embarking the Ark one by one. Noah’s children came except one of them.

Noah’s wife did not come. She was an unbeliever. She did not believe in the message of her husband.

Then Allah ordered Prophet Noah to rake with him some animals in pairs. He put the big animals on the top floor and the birds on the bottom floor.


Water gushed out of mountains and valleys. The rain was heavy. The wind blew strongly. Lightning flashed in space. Thunder boomed in the sky.

The land was full of gushing fountains. The sky poured rain like rivers.

All the animals were put in the Ark. The believers stood on the middle floor looking at the great flood through the windows.

The water flowed from the tops of the mountains. The valleys became rivers full of water. The rain fell heavily. The wind blew strongly.

The unbelievers escaped from the village, for they still did not believe in Noah’s words.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The story of prophet NOAH. PART(4)

Another unbeliever said: “He’s a skillful carpenter. Perhaps, he wants to build a large palace.”

Another unbeliever shouted: “Noah, what are you doing? Where’s the sea?”

The unbelievers laughed and then one of them made fun of Noah: “Noah, don’t forget the sails. The waves will be rough and the wind will be strong!”

The unbelievers laughed Noah and mocked him.

Noah said to the unbelievers: “Some day, we’ll mock you as you are mocking us!”

Building the Ark was difficult. It required lots of patience.

Noah wanted to build a big Ark for he wanted to save the believers and the animals from the flood.

Allah, our Lord, wanted to purify the earth from wickedness, oppression and sins. For this reason, He inspired His messenger Noah (A. S.) to make the Ark to save the good believers.

Allah decided to destroy the unbelievers, for they did not want justice.

It took Noah and the believers many years to build the Ark. They worked quickly and eagerly. However, it took them eighty years to build the Ark.

The Ark was great. Its task was great, too. Noah built it to save both the believers and the animals.

Noah and the believers spared no effort to complete the Ark.

The unbelievers made fun of the Prophet and the believers. They accused them of madness and lowliness. They attacked and persecuted them. However, the believers were full of hope, for they thought that Allah would purify the earth from oppression, aggression and wickedness.

The believers were hopeful because they thought that the flood would purify the earth from sins and crimes and that the earth would be very clean and pure. So they would lead a life of peace and tranquility. Moreover, their children would live in a safe, tranquil society.

The believers bore the abuses of the unbelievers and the hardships of the work of building the great Ark.


After eighty-years of continuous work, Prophet Noah and the believers finished building the Ark.

The Ark was ready. It had been pitched and sails had been hoisted.

The believers came to the Ark and looked at it. They thought that it would carry them to a better life and save them from tyranny and oppression.

The Ark had three floors; the bottom floor, the middle floor and the top floor.

All the three floors were supplied with small windows in the forecastle of the Ark. The wheelhouse was in the middle floor.

The Ark was ready. Noah and the believers were waiting for the decision of Allah, The glorified.

The unbelievers harmed the believers very much. They mocked and tortured them.

An old woman with her little daughter came to Noah. She asked him about Salvation Day: “When will Allah save us from the wickedness of the unbelievers?”

Prophet Noah did not know the time of the Salvation Day. So he looked at the sky. Indeed only Allah knew that day.

At that moment, an angel came down from the sky. He said to Prophet Noah: “When water gushes out of the house of the old woman, the time of the flood will be near.”

Noah said to the old woman: “Allah’s specified a sign for the Salvation Day. He has inspired me that water will gush out of your house. The water will be like a fountain. This will be the sign of the Salvation Day.”

The old woman rejoiced at this miracle. The little girl smiled at this hope.

The believers went to the old woman’s house every day. They looked at the place of the water, but there was no water. Prophet Noah also went there. However, the water had not gushed out yet.