Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The story of prophet HOD.PART(5)

Hours passed. Fearful, black clouds appeared in the horizon. They moved gradually. Then they covered whole the sky of-Ahqāf.

The people of ،Ād rejoiced at the clouds. They said: “Our gods have responded to our prayer. They’ve sent us clouds full of rain, thus valleys and gardens will be full of grass.”

When prophet HUD saw the signs of punishment, he said: “Nay! it is what you sought to hasten on, a blast of wind in which there is painful punishment.”

Prophet HUD and the believers sought protection in the mountain. The punishment was close at hand. The pagans were gazing at the black clouds waiting for rain. However, there was no rain.

A cold wind blew. Then a destructive storm started. Lightning flashed in the sky. Thunder boomed in the sky. Thunderbolts stroke the pagans.

The pagans were shaking with fear, so they went running to their houses. They had no hope in the clouds.

They did not listen to the words of prophet HUD. They only looked at their idols. They thought that their idols would do well for them.

The storm of heavenly wrath began. The wind was strong, cold and dry.

The wind did not carry clouds nor did it carry rain, rather it carried cold and thick sand.

The fearful hours passed. Yet the storm went on blowing. The waves of sands were moving to the valley.

The people of ،Ād were proud of their strength. They thought that they would overcome the drought, dryness and the storm.

They thought that the storm would abate at night or in the morning of the next day.

The destructive wind began blowing on Wednesday. It went on blowing for seven nights and eight days.

The wind abated on Wednesday. It had filled the fertile valley with sand.

The wind buried the wonderful city of Iram under the sands. It had destroyed its houses and their strong marble pillars. It had also knocked down the people who disbelieved in the message of prophet HUD (A. S.) Those people fell on the sand. They were tall, so they looked like dry date-palms.

The idols fell on their faces and broke into pieces. The temples became ruins. The curse befell them. They were tyrannical people whose hearts were void of mercy. Their life was full of play. They built their palaces for playing.

They made no use of their palaces. They disbelieved in Allah and persecuted the believers.

For this reason, Allah destroyed the people of ،Ād. He saved prophet HUD and the believers among them. He wanted people to return to their nature and lead a life full of good, fertility growth.


By Kamāl al-Sayyid
Translated by jāsim al-Rasheed

Saturday, May 30, 2009

The story of prophet HOD.PART(4)


In that period of time, the people of ،Ād built the greatest city world. It was the city of Iram: “The like of which was not created in the (other) cities.”

It was full of palaces and gardens. Shaddād- a strong, pagan man- ordered the city to be built. He wanted it to be a garden to live in.

He thought that he would never die. He was very strong, so he thought that he would be immortal.


The third season of rainfall came. However, there was nothing except dryness. The wind blew and moved waves of sands to the valleys, which were once green.

Famine struk the land of al-Ahqāf.

Prophet HUD went on inviting his people to believe in Allah. He wanted them to refrain from worshipping idols.

Prophet HUD said to his people: “Allah, the Glorified, is able to create rain and enliven the dry land. Allah, the Most High, is able to create plants in the valleys and plains. Idols are useless stones.”

In spite of this, the tribes of ،Ād did not believe in the message of HUD. They obeyed the tyrants.

No one believed in HUD except some good people. In the third season, the people of al-Ahqāf went outside. They looked at the sky waiting for rain.

The sky was clear and blue. There was no cloud in it. The pagans slaughtered more rams for their gods. They thought that the god of fertility would save them from drought; still, there was no rain.

Prophet HUD came to his people. He wanted to give them the last advice. He said to them: “Turn to Allah in repentance. Only Allah can send clouds and create plants.”

The people of ،Ād scolded our Prophet HUD. They said to him: “Go away! You’re mad! You’re a liar! If you’re truthful, let your Lord punish us! We won’t leave our gods. Our gods bestow blessings upon us, send clouds, create plant and increase our cattle! Our gods never forget that!”

Prophet HUD was sad for his people. He wanted them to believe in Allah He wanted them to lead a peaceful life.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The story of prophet HOD.PART(3)


The season of rain came, but it wan not rain. Clouds passed through the sky of al-Ahqāf and went far away. They gathered and then they scattered. The people of ،Ād lived on pastures, agriculture and the fruit of their gardens.

That year passed, but it not rain.

Their products decreased. Some of their cattle died because of hunger. Some trees died because of the lack of rain.

The people of ،Ād went to their gods. They worshipped them and sacrificed rams for them, but all their efforts were in vain.

The next season came. Clouds gathered. The people of ،Ād rejoiced at that. The clouds were black. Some of them said: “Those clouds are full of rain.” Suddenly, the clouds scattered.

They doubled the number of sacrifices. However, clouds appeared and then they disappeared. The wind blew and carried sand for them.


Prophet Hud came and preached his people. He said to them: “O people, I love you. I want to do good for you.” Then he said to them: “O people ask forgiveness of your Lord, and then turn to him in repentance. He will send on you clouds pouring down abundance of rain and add strength to your strength.”

The people of ،Ād did not listen to the preaching of Allah’s Apostle. They turned away from him and threatened him. Moreover, they went to their gods and sacrificed rams for them.

The season of rain ended. Not a drop of rain fell down. Their land became dry.

Their green land became a desert. Most of their cattle and trees died.

A third year came. It was a critical year. Their water was little. They kept it for the remaining animals; they did not water their fields.

They went to their temples every day and worshipped and supplicated to their idols. Meanwhile prophet Hud advised his people and invited them to believe in Allah, the Great and Almighty. He wanted them to understand that Allah had power over all things and that the idols were just stones.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The story of prophet HOD.PART(2)

They oppressed the innocent and severely punished those who did not follow their beliefs and way of life.

Good people were afraid of them. They were a weak minority. The rich were strong and tall and had big muscles. Their hearts were as hard as stone. Prophet Hud lived in that area during that period of time.

Prophet Hud was righteous. He had a good heart and he loved good. Allah the Glorified chose him as a prophet and sent him as a messenger to his people.

Prophet Hud invited his people to worship Allah, the One and Only. He prevented them from worshipping idols and gods. He told them that idols and gods were useless stones.

Prophet Hud was brave. He was not afraid of the pagans. The pagans had strong bodies. However, prophet Hud was stronger than them in will and spirit, for he supported Allah and Allah supported him. Allah has power over all things.

The good people believed in the mission of prophet Hud, but they were few in number.

The strong and the luxurious people mocked prophet Hud. They mocked at his mission and said that Hud was foolish and mad. They hurt and threatened him.

Prophet Hud went on inviting his people to believe in Allah. He always preached them. He reminded them of Allah’s blessings and favors, but all his efforts were in vain.

They thought that the god’s bestowed blessing upon them, caused rain to com down, caused grass to grow and increased their cattle.

They said: “Hud is mad. The gods have cursed him.” They also wanted to make Hud afraid of the final result. They said to him: “If you go on inviting us to believe in your Lord, the gods will punish you.”

Prophet Hud challenged the tyrants of ،Ād. He also challenged their gods.

He went on carrying out his mission, so the tyrants were unable to resist him.

The people of ،Ād were two parties. One party believed in Allah and the Day of Judgment. They were few in number. The other party disbelieved in Hudُs message. They adopted aggression, corruption and misguidance. Prophet HUD had no hope in reforming them, for they insisted on living a life of misguidance.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The story of prophet HOD.PART(1)

In the Name of Allah


When you carefully consider the Arab Peninsula, you will find a wide desert area in the east. It is the area of al-Rub، al-Khāli. This area is void of all marks of life; there are neither plants nor water.

Was this area a desert thousands of years ago?

The answer is no. There were green fertile areas in this desert land. The archeologists have found the ruins of a city buried under the sand.

The strong tribes of ،Ād lived in this area in the prehistoric ages. They belonged to the ancient Arabs. History has mentioned nothing about them. Only the Holy Koran has mentioned them.

The tribes of ،Ād lived in that green grassy area. It rained during the different seasons. So the earth became fertile. Brooklets and small streams were full of water and fields were pretty.

Their land was full of date-palms, grapevines and fields. Moreover, their gardens were spacious.

The people of that time took special care of building houses. They were specialists in building palaces, castles and forts.

They were strong and self-conceited. The blessings made them ungrateful. They did not listen to the voice of reason.

They were pagans, who worshipped idols. They made the idols with their own hands and then they worshipped them.

They built their temples on hills and put idols in them. They said: “This is the god of fertility, this is the god of sea, this is the god of land and that is the god of war.”

For this reason, they turned to those idols when they faced a certain misfortune.

The land of al-Ahqāf was green. It was full of pastures. Their cattle were many. So they led a life of luxury and haughtiness.

They thought that their gods had brought about all those blessings. So they clung strongly to their gods.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The story of prophet NOAH. PART(8)

It stopped raining. The earth swallowed up its water. The level of water abated day by day.

The mountains and the hills appeared. Some valleys were still full of water.

Allah inspired Noah: “O Noah, descend with peace from us and blessings on you and on the people from among those who are with you.”

Noah and the believers left the Ark. They descended from the mountain.

The earth became clean and pure. The believers returned to their life. They were a small society. However, the society was free from the unbelievers. It believed in Allah and His Apostle.

Life came back to the earth. The believing society led a peaceful life. There was neither oppressor nor oppressed one.

There was neither thief nor wrong-doer. Prophet Noah and the believers led a life of peace.

Noah lived a long life. His age was very long, for he invited his people to believe in Allah for 950 years.

How old was Noah when Allah sent him to his people? How long did he live after the flood? No body knows that. However, he lived a long life.

Noah was sitting under the sun when the angel of death came to him. The angel of death asked him: “You’ve lived a long life. What’s your opinion of life?”

Noah rose, sat in the shade and said: “My life in this world was as this movement from the sunlight to this shade.”

Noah closed his eyes. He carried out his message and saved people from destruction.

For this reason, Allah, the glorified, singled Noah out with immortal greetings. That was when He said: “Peace and salutation to Noah among the nations.”


In July 1950, some Russian archeologists looked for ruins in the Qāf Valley. They found old pieces of wood scattered about. This urged them to drill deeper in the ground. They found other fossil pieces of wood.

The archeologists found an oblong piece of wood. The piece was 14 inches long and 10 inches wide. The archeologists were astonished to see the piece of wood. For the piece of wood was unchanged. It was not decayed or broken as the other pieces of wood were.

In 1952, the archeologists discovered that piece of wood belonged to the Ark of Noah (A. S.) and that the other pieces of wood belonged to the body of Noah’s Ark.

The historians mentioned that the Ark of Noah (A. S.) anchored on the top of Mount Qāf. Some letters were written on the piece of wood. The letters dated back to an ancient language.

The Russian government formed a team of archeologists in 1953. The team included seven professionals in ancient languages.

They are as follow:
1. Sula Nouf, Professor of Languages, Moscow University.
2. Ifahan Khnyo, a scholar in ancient languages, Lolohan College, China.
3. Mishanin Lo, manager of ancient monuments.
4. Tanmol Gorf, Professor of Languages, Kivzo College.
5. Day Rakn, Professor of ancient monuments, Linin Institute.
6. Im Ahmed Kolad, manager of general excavations and discoveries.
7. Major Kolad, Head of Stalin University.

After an eight- month- study, the above- mentioned linguists concluded that the piece of wood belonged to Noah’s Ark. They also concluded that Prophet Noah (A. S.) had nailed it the front part of his Ark to protect it from the flood.

The letters on this piece of wood were written in a Semitic language. The British scholar, Ef Max, professor translated the letters into English as follows:

O my Lord and Helper,
Help me through your favor and mercy.
(Help me) for the sake of these names: Mohammed, Alia, shabur, shabir, and Fatima.

They are all great and honorable.

The world is standing for them.

Help me by their names.

Only you can guide me to the straight path.

The foregoing scholars were astonished at the greatness of the above-mentioned five names and the rank of their owners with Allah, The Most High. Noah (A. S.) supplicated to Allah through these names.

However, no one of them knew the reason why the piece of wood did not decay despite being there for thousands of years. It is worth mentioning that this piece of wood is now in the Moscow Museum.

Prophet Mohammed (S. A. W.) said: “My family is like Noah’s Ark. Whoever embarked on it was saved. Whoever missed it drowned?”


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The story of prophet NOAH. PART(7)


The angel came down to the Prophet and the believers with the Sacred Words. Noah wrote those words on a small tablet to protect the Ark from sinking into the flood.

At that time people wrote in the ancient Semitic language.

Noah wrote the following Sacred Words on the tablet:

My Lord and Helper, help me through Your favor and mercy.

(Help me) for the sake of these Sacred Names: Mohammed, Alia, Shabur, Shabir and Fatima. They are all great and honorable. The world is standing for them. Help me by these names. Only You can guide me to the straight path.

Noah hung the tablet on the front part of the Ark. The believers considered carefully the Sacred Names of the persons who were not born yet. They were of Noah’s progeny.

The Ark went on making its way through the rough waves of the sea. It headed for the North.

The rain went on falling heavily. The believers were praying to Allah to save them from the great flood.

After forty days, it stopped raining. The clouds dispersed gradually. The sun rose. A beautiful rainbow appeared in the horizon. The rainbow was colorful- green, blue, orange and violet. The colors were beautiful. They made the believers hopeful.

Prophet Noah released a crow. The crow flew high in the sky. It turned in space and then it returned, for it found no land to sit on.

Then Noah released a white pigeon. The pigeon set off. It flew over the water till it disappeared.

After a while, the pigeon came back. It was carrying an olive-tree twig in its pink beak.

Noah and the believers rejoiced at that. The flood ended. Allah protected the believers from the wickedness of the unbelievers.

Then Noah released the same pigeon. The pigeon flew into the sky and did not return.

Noah knew that the pigeon found land to settle on. The ark headed for the North. Then it anchored on the top of Mount Judi.

Allah, the Glorified, ordered the sky and the earth: “O earth, swallow down your water and O cloud, clear away; and the water were made to abate.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The story of prophet NOAH. PART(6)


Noah was still waiting for his son to com. He thought that his son was a believer.

The earth was like a sea full of rough waves.

Noah looked at the village to see his son. He saw him swimming towards the mountains.

Noah shouted at the top of his voice: “Son, come to me! Son, come to the Ark!”

The son shouted: “No! I’ll go to that mountain. It’ll protect me from the rain.

In the midst of the wind, the waves and the rain, Prophet Noah shouted again at the top of his voice: “Son, com with us! There’s nothing to protect you from drowning!”

Noah wanted his son to understand that there was nothing to protect him from Allah’s decree. He wanted him to understand that the flood would cover everything for Allah decided to purify the earth from wickedness.

Noah shouted at his son for the third time. However, a strong wave came and covered his son.

Noah thought that his son was a believer. Allah had promised Noah that he would save his family except his wife. So Noah looked at the sky and said: “My Lord, surely my son is of my family and Your promise is surely true and You are the most just of the judges.”

Allah, the Glorified, inspired Noah and said to him: “O Noah, he is not of your family. Surely he is (the doer of) other than good deeds. Therefore ask not of Me that of which you have no knowledge.”

Noah understood that his son was an unbeliever and that he did not believe in Allah and the message of his father, the Prophet (A. S.).

Noah asked Allah for forgiveness: “My Lord, I seek refuge in You from asking You that of which I have no knowledge. And if You do not forgive me and have mercy on me, I shall be of the losers.”

The waves swallowed up everything. The destructive flood covered all things. The Ark moved. It floated on the water.

Noah said: “It’s sailing and its anchoring is by Allah’s name.”

The Ark made its way through the waves. The earth was like a great sea. There was nothing except water and the tops of mountains.

The rain went on falling heavily. Water was gushing out of the earth. Days passed, but it was still raining heavily. The wind became stronger. The waves were rougher. They were as the mountains.

Forty days passed. However, it was raining heavily. The Ark was making its way through the waves which were as high as the mountains.

Noah and the believers prayed to Allah to have mercy on them and save them.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The story of prophet NOAH. PART(5)


One day, the sky became over clouded. It got very dark.

Noah was looking at the sky waiting for Allah’s order.

The unbelievers increased their oppression and corruption. They killed people and robbed their houses. They did evil deeds. Wickedness increased day by day.

The little girl came running to Noah and said to him: “The water has flowed out!” So Prophet Noah went there quickly. Allah achieved His promise. The water was like a fountain. The water was flowing out with force.

The old woman was bewildered, not knowing what to do.

The believers went to the old woman’s house to look at Allah’s sign. Some of them looked at the water in astonishment. Some of them were looking at the sky. They all were weeping out of joy.

The sky was full of dark clouds.

day was as dark as night.

Prophet Noah ordered his followers: “Come on. Let’s go to the Ark!

Noah and his followers went outside the village. The Ark was at its place waiting for the believers.

Noah ordered the believers to embark the Ark.

Suddenly, lightning flashed in the3 sky. Thunder boomed strongly. It was raining heavily. The believers, both men and women, were embarking the Ark one by one. Noah’s children came except one of them.

Noah’s wife did not come. She was an unbeliever. She did not believe in the message of her husband.

Then Allah ordered Prophet Noah to rake with him some animals in pairs. He put the big animals on the top floor and the birds on the bottom floor.


Water gushed out of mountains and valleys. The rain was heavy. The wind blew strongly. Lightning flashed in space. Thunder boomed in the sky.

The land was full of gushing fountains. The sky poured rain like rivers.

All the animals were put in the Ark. The believers stood on the middle floor looking at the great flood through the windows.

The water flowed from the tops of the mountains. The valleys became rivers full of water. The rain fell heavily. The wind blew strongly.

The unbelievers escaped from the village, for they still did not believe in Noah’s words.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The story of prophet NOAH. PART(4)

Another unbeliever said: “He’s a skillful carpenter. Perhaps, he wants to build a large palace.”

Another unbeliever shouted: “Noah, what are you doing? Where’s the sea?”

The unbelievers laughed and then one of them made fun of Noah: “Noah, don’t forget the sails. The waves will be rough and the wind will be strong!”

The unbelievers laughed Noah and mocked him.

Noah said to the unbelievers: “Some day, we’ll mock you as you are mocking us!”

Building the Ark was difficult. It required lots of patience.

Noah wanted to build a big Ark for he wanted to save the believers and the animals from the flood.

Allah, our Lord, wanted to purify the earth from wickedness, oppression and sins. For this reason, He inspired His messenger Noah (A. S.) to make the Ark to save the good believers.

Allah decided to destroy the unbelievers, for they did not want justice.

It took Noah and the believers many years to build the Ark. They worked quickly and eagerly. However, it took them eighty years to build the Ark.

The Ark was great. Its task was great, too. Noah built it to save both the believers and the animals.

Noah and the believers spared no effort to complete the Ark.

The unbelievers made fun of the Prophet and the believers. They accused them of madness and lowliness. They attacked and persecuted them. However, the believers were full of hope, for they thought that Allah would purify the earth from oppression, aggression and wickedness.

The believers were hopeful because they thought that the flood would purify the earth from sins and crimes and that the earth would be very clean and pure. So they would lead a life of peace and tranquility. Moreover, their children would live in a safe, tranquil society.

The believers bore the abuses of the unbelievers and the hardships of the work of building the great Ark.


After eighty-years of continuous work, Prophet Noah and the believers finished building the Ark.

The Ark was ready. It had been pitched and sails had been hoisted.

The believers came to the Ark and looked at it. They thought that it would carry them to a better life and save them from tyranny and oppression.

The Ark had three floors; the bottom floor, the middle floor and the top floor.

All the three floors were supplied with small windows in the forecastle of the Ark. The wheelhouse was in the middle floor.

The Ark was ready. Noah and the believers were waiting for the decision of Allah, The glorified.

The unbelievers harmed the believers very much. They mocked and tortured them.

An old woman with her little daughter came to Noah. She asked him about Salvation Day: “When will Allah save us from the wickedness of the unbelievers?”

Prophet Noah did not know the time of the Salvation Day. So he looked at the sky. Indeed only Allah knew that day.

At that moment, an angel came down from the sky. He said to Prophet Noah: “When water gushes out of the house of the old woman, the time of the flood will be near.”

Noah said to the old woman: “Allah’s specified a sign for the Salvation Day. He has inspired me that water will gush out of your house. The water will be like a fountain. This will be the sign of the Salvation Day.”

The old woman rejoiced at this miracle. The little girl smiled at this hope.

The believers went to the old woman’s house every day. They looked at the place of the water, but there was no water. Prophet Noah also went there. However, the water had not gushed out yet.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The story of prophet NOAH. PART(3)

They added: “Why does Allah not send us anyone other than you? You’re poor!”

Noah said to them: “people, don’t accuse Allah’s messenger of lying. Surely Allah will punish you for that,”
The unbelievers said to him: “You dispute with us very much. If you are truthful, then let Allah punish us. We’re not afraid of your threats for you are a liar.”

However, Noah went on summoning his people to worship Allah, the One and Only. Hundreds of years passed. People died. Babies were born. They became grown-ups. They were also unbelievers. They prostrated to idols and did not worship Allah.

Do you know how many years the summons of Prophet Noah (A. S.) lasted? It lasted 950 years.

Noah became an old man but he was still strong. He was not afraid the unbelievers.

The unbelievers hit Noah many times. ? The plotted against him many times for they wanted to kill him.

Noah’s wife was an unbeliever. She spied on him and the believers who came to visit him.

Many times, Noah summoned his people to follow him. He advised and preached them. However, all his efforts went in vain.

They mocked him. Noah loved his people. He wanted to guide them. So he wept for them. He wept for their bad fate, for they would die as unbelievers.

One day, Noah was in his house. An old man leaning on a rod came to him. His little grandson accompanied him.

The old man said to his grandson: “Grandson, look at that old man. He’s mad. Beware of him. For he’ll deceive you. Do not stop worshipping the idols wadd, Sawā"،, Yaghūth, Ya،ūq and Nasr.

The boy took his grandfather’s rod, walked to Noah and hit him on the head!

Prophet Noah became sad. However, he was patient as he had been before.

Noah thought that his people would believe in Allah, the One and Only, the Creator of life, people, trees, rivers, etc.

Noah lived in this way. His wife opposed him. She Noah had children. they all believe but he was an unbeliever. He did not believe in Allah, the Most High.

An angel came down from the sky and said to Prophet Noah: “No matter how much you invite your people, they would not believe in Allah. Don’t tire yourself for them, for they’re a cursed people.”
At that time, Noah raised his two hands towards the sky. He asked Allah to purify the earth from the wickedness of the unbelievers.

In this connection, he said: “My Lord, Do not leave on the earth any of the unbelievers. If you leave them, they will mislead Your servants and raise immoral, ungrateful (children).”


Allah, the Glorified, inspired prophet Noah to make a big Ark. Noah (A. S.) had refrained from inviting his people, for he invite them for 950 years but no one believed him. The unbelievers asked each other: “Why has Noah kept silent? Why doesn’t he invite them to believe in Allah? Has anyone seen him?”

Noah chose a place outside the village to build a big Ark.

Noah was a skillful carpenter. He had to gather big pieces of wood.

The believers came to help the Prophet with his work. They gathered dried trees and date-palms. They made boards of different sizes.

It was difficult to build the Ark because it was big.

Noah made the Ark with three floors. The Ark was 200 m. long, 70m. wide and 25m. high.

The unbelievers did not leave Noah alone. They came to the place of his work. They mocked the Prophet and the believers.

Noah was busy making the Ark. Some believers brought boards: some believers nailed the Ark: some believers pitched it.

The unbelievers mocked Noah and the believers, saying: “Look at those mad people! They’re making an Ark in the desert!”

One of the unbelievers said: “Oh, look! That’s Noah. He has become insane!”

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The story of prophet NOAH. PART(2)


One day the people heard Noah saying:

“O people, I’m Allah’s messenger for you. Allah created you. He bestows upon you. Ask him for forgiveness. He’ll forgive you. He sends down rain to you. He makes your land green. He gives you sons and daughters. Why do you worship idols? Why do you turn away from worshipping Allah, the One and Only?

“Look at the wide sky full of stars! Look at the moon and the sun! Think of death! Why do people die?

“You’ve made idols of stone. You’ve called them wadd, Sawā"،, Yaghūth, Ya،ūq and Nasr.

Do you think that idols bestow upon you, give you children and sent down rain to you? Do you think that they protect you from thunderbolts and floods? If not, why don’t you worship Allah?”

The people looked at each other and asked one another: “Why does this carpenter (Noah) abuse our idols? Why does he insult Wadd, Sawā"،, Yaghūth, Ya،ūq and Nasr?”

The strong bore malice against Noah. They hated his call and words. For Noah summoned them to justice and brotherhood. He wanted his people to live freely. He wanted to prevent the rich and the strong from enslaving the poor and the oppressed.

For this reason, people hated Noah. Concerning him, they said: “Noahُs mad. He’s a mere poor carpenter. If he was Allah’s messenger, he’d have the treasures of the earth. Why does Allah not send us an angel? Why does He send us a person like us?

“Noah’s lower in rank than us. We’ve more money, children and power than he has.”

The weak were afraid of the strong. They thought that the strong were right. They thought that the gods supported the strong and gave them power.

Simple people turned away from Noah. They put their fingers into their ears so as not to hear his words. They did not follow Noah. For they thought that the gods would be angry with them and that the strong would be indignant with them.

These were the people’s thoughts. Few people believed in Noah’s words.

Some poor men and women came to Noah. They listened to his words. Their hearts were full of belief in Allah, the One and Only.

Such people were very poor and oppressed. They were afraid of the punishment of the rich master and rude tyrants.

For this reason, Noah went on summoning his people to worship Allah and to refrain from worshipping idols.

He summoned them to do that day and night, secretly and openly. However, few people believed Noah. They were poor and oppressed.

Prophet Noah felt pity for his people. He wanted to guide them to the right path. He wanted them to lead a peaceful life. He wanted to prevent the strong from persecuting the weak. He wanted them to be good people. He ordered the young to respect the old. He ordered the old to feel pity for the young.

People worshipped idols. So they refused to accept Noah’s call to Allah’s Oneness. They mocked Noah, for he was a poor carpenter.

The rich thought that they were better than Noah, for they had more money, children and power than him.

One day the unbelievers came to Prophet Noah and said him:“ We won’t follow you, for only the poor have followed you. If you dismissed them, we would believe in and follow you.”

Noah said to them: “I won’t dismiss them. Dismissing them is a bad deed. Allah hates such a deed. I won’t dismiss the believers.”

Noah added: “Why do you think that the poor are base? They are our brothers. All people are equal.”

The unbelievers said to Noah (A. S.): “You’re a liar. We won’t believe you. If you were Allah’s messenger, you would have more riches than us and the treasures of the earth would be yours.”

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The story of prophet NOAH. PART(1)


When we certain mountains and hills, we will find sea shells on their tops and at the bottom. Thus, we understand that water covered these places at one time.

People and mountain climbers see shells on heights in many parts of the world, such as Iraq, Iran, India, Egypt, Syria, China, America, etc.

The archeologists found wooden tablets on the top of Ararāt Mountain. The tablets date back to 2500 before the birth of Prophet Jesus Christ (A. S.). Some of the archeologists believe the Ark of Prophet Noah (A. S.).

In the year 1951, a team of archeologists found a wooden tablet on the top of Qāf Mountain.

There is an ancient writing on the tablet. After a year of study, the archeologists concluded that this small wooden tablet to the Ark of Noah (A. S.).

What is the story of that Ark? What is the story of the flood? What is the story of Prophet Noah. (A. S.)?

People were one community. They led a simple life. They farmed their Land and hunted animals.

Days and years passed. The strong made use of their strength. They oppressed their weak brothers.

The weak were afraid of the strong. So they submitted to them and were satisfied with a life of abasement and enslavement.

Pagan beliefs spread during the lifetime of Prophet Noah (A. S.). Corruption became public. Simple people were afraid of the strong. The strong worshipped idols.

At that time, perhaps over four thousand years ago, Prophet Noah (A. S.) lived in the land of the two rivers.

Prophet Noah noticed that his people led a life full of corruption and deviation from the truth. The strong deprived the weak of their rights. The rich persecuted the poor and forced them to work day and night. When the poor wanted to free themselves and their families, the rich used to hit and torture them. The rich wanted to enslave the poor.

People forgot to worship Allah, the One and Only. they worshipped idols they made of stone. They thought that the idols would bestow upon them, send down rain to them, protect them from dangerous thunderbolts, grant them good and drive misfortunes away from them.

People made the idols with own hands and put them on the dank of the river Euphrates. They called the idols wadd, Sawā"ُ, Yaghūth, Ya.ُūq and Nasr. They worshipped them and bowed to them.

Prophet Noah was sad when he saw his people prostrating to those idols. Noah looked at the sky. He prayed to his Lord to save his people from that ignorance.

Allah, our Lord, chose Noah and sent him to the people to teach them how to worship Allah, the One and Only.

Monday, March 16, 2009

our father ADAM and mother EVE.PART(11)

Cain was an ignorant creature, not knowing any thing. He learnt from the crow how to bury his brother. He looked at his hand. He shook dust off it. Then he asked himself: “Cain what you have done?”

He went on asking himself: “Why have I killed my brother? What have I got? I have got nothing except regret and pain.” The sun sank below the horizon. It got dark. Darkness covered the valley. Cain returned to his hut.

Before Cain reached his hut, he saw a fire in the distance.

The fire had flames. Cain was afraid of the fire. He was afraid of the fire that accepted the sacrifice of his brother and refused to accept his. Cain tried to escape but he found nowhere to escape to.

He saw his father Adam waiting for them. Adam was waiting for the return his two sons. However, Cain returned alone.

Adam was sad and anxious. He asked his son Cain: “Cain, where is your brother?”

Cain answered angrily: “I don’t know!”

Adam understood that something had happened.

He asked Cain: “Where have you left him?”

“There, among those hills,” replied Cain.

Adam ordered him: “Take me to that place!”

Cain pointed to the place. He began walking and his father walked behind him.

They heard the bleat of the sheep and goats in the distance. Adam saw the cattle sleeping about the valley.

Adam cried loudly: “Abel, where are you?”

However, no one replied. In the moon light, Adam saw something glittering on the rocks, on the ground. He smelled something strange. He understood what had happened. He knew that Cain had killed his brother.

Adam shouted angrily: “Cain may Allah curse you! Why have you killed your brother? Why have you made corruption and shed blood on the earth? Allah did not create you for that! May Allah curse you?”

Cain escaped. He became lost in the earth. He ran madly. He slept in caves. He bowed to fire. He prostrated to it because he was afraid of it. His life was full of sufferings and regret.

Adam went back to his hut. He wept for his son Abel. Abel was good. He was oppressed.

Adam wept for forty days. Eve also wept for her son. Allah inspired Adam that He would give him another son. The son would be as good as Abel was. Nine months had passed. Eve gave birth to a boy baby. The baby was very handsome. Its face was as bright as the moon.

Adam was happy. His heart was full of happiness, for Allah had given him a son who was as good as Abel. Seven days passed. Adam thought of the name of his son.

On the seventh day, Adam said to his wife: “We’ll call the baby Sheet, namely the gift of Allah, for Allah’s gifted us with him.”

Days and years passed. Sheet became a young man. Adam became an old man, and Eve became an old woman.

Adam was satisfied with Allah’s decree. His sons became grown-ups. He had offspring. They worked, planted their land and built their houses. Meanwhile, they worshipped Allah. Cain lived somewhere in the earth. He also had children in the earth.

One day Adam said to his son Sheet: “My son, I want some grapes.”

Sheet rose and set off towards to the grapevines. He picked some ripe bunches and went back to his father. However, Adam had died. He lived for a thousand years on the earth. Then he died and returned to the garden.


our father ADAM and mother EVE.PART(10)

Beyond the hills, Cain was running quickly towards his land. He was nervous, for he was hungry. He saw a hare in the distance. He chased the hare. Then he threw a stone at it. The stone hit it in the leg and broke it. The hare was unable to escape. Cain caught the hare. He killed and ate some of it. Then he threw the rest away.

Some eagles fell on the prey and ate it. Cain spoke to himself: “If I was weak, eagles would eat me. Why don’t these fearful birds eat me? Indeed I’m strong. The strong are worthy of life. The weak must die.”

Again, Cain thought in a savage way. He knew neither truth nor falsehood. He did not want to be a good person, rather he wanted to be a wicked person. He was full of malice and envy towards his brother. He left his land and fields and set out towards the hills.

He saw his brother Abel on the green plains. He saw the cattle grazing calmly.

Abel was lying on the green grass. “He’s sleeping,” thought Cain. Cain increased in malice and treason. He bent to pick up a toothed stone.

“It’s a good opportunity. I’ll kill Abel to get rid of him forever,” Cain talked to himself.

Cain descended from the hill. He approached his brother. He was as careful as the tiger. His two eyes were flashing with violence.

Abel walked about the pastures many times. He became tired. He put his head on a smooth stone. He relaxed on the grass and slept. There were a smile and a hope on his face.

He knew that neither wolves nor pigs came to that valley. He let his cattle graze safely and slept soundly.
He thought that there was no creature more dangerous than the wolf, and that Cain was his only brother in the whole world.

However, Cain came nearer to his brother Abel. His shadow fell on the face of his sleeping brother. Abel opened his eyes and smiled at his brother. However, Cain became wild. He was like the wolf; rather, he was wilder than the wolf.

Cain attacked his brother with the stone. He hit him in the forehead. Blood covered Abel’s two eyes. Abel fainted but Cain went on hitting him. Abel became completely motionless.

Abel was unable to move. He was unable to open his big eyes. He was unable to speak or smile. He was unable to return to his hut, and his cattle remained without a shepherd. They got lost in the hills and valleys, and wolves attacked them.

Blood gushed out of Abel’s forehead. Cain was looking at it.

The blood ceased. Some eagles appeared in the sky. They were hovering over Abel.

Cain was bewildered, not knowing what to do. He carried his brother’s body and began walking. He did not know where to hide it from those hungry eagles.

Cain became tired of walking. The sun was about to set. He put his brother’s body on the ground. Then he sat down to take a rest.

Suddenly, a crow alighted near Cain. The crow croaked loudly. It cried: “Croak! Croak! Croak!” Perhaps it wanted to ask Cain: “Cain, why have you killed your brother Abel?”

Cain was watching the crow’s movements. The crow dug a pit in the ground with its claws. Then it picked up a dried fruit with its beak. It threw the fruit into the pit and buried it.

Cain became aware of an important thing. He knew how to bury his brother’s body to protect it from eagles and wolves. He brought a dried bone and began digging the ground. The hard digging made him sweat.

At last he dug a deep pit. He put his brother’s body into it and buried it. Thus, eagled and wolves were unable to eat it.

Cain wept very much. He wept because he had killed his brother. He wept because he was unable to do any thing.

It was the crow that taught him how to bury his brother.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

our father ADAM and mother EVE.PART(9)

Cain put the heap of wheat under his armpit and went to the hills. Abel took his beautiful ram and went there also. He left his ram on the hill. Cain put the wheat heap by the ram.

Abel prostrated to Allah and wept out of fear of Him. Then he looked at the clear sky and asked Allah to accept his sacrifice.

Cain was very restless. He looked here and there. He wanted to see Allah openly.

Long hours passed. Nothing happened.

Abel was sitting calmly looking at the sky. Some clouds appeared in the sky. Then the sky was full of clouds. The wind became calm.

However, Abel was still praying to his Lord. Cain was restless. He took a stone and threw it. The stone broke into pieces. He was bewildered, not knowing what to do.

Suddenly lightning flashed in the sky. Then thunder boomed. Cain was afraid. Abel was still praying to his Lord. It rained heavily. The rain washed Abel’s face and removed his tears. Cain hid behind some rocks.

Lightning flashed again. Suddenly, a thunderbolt hit the ram and killed it. Abel became happy. Then he wept because of happiness for Allah had accepted his sacrifice. Allah loved Abel, for Abel loved Allah.

The wind scattered Cain’s wheat pile. His heart became full of malice and envy. He took a piece of rock and shouted at his brother at the top of his voice, saying: “I’ll kill you!”

Abel said Calmly: “Brother Cain, Allah accepts the deeds of the pious.”

Again, Cain shouted loudly: “I’ll kill you! I hate you!”

Abel became sad. He asked himself: “Why does my brother hate me? Have I done anything to make him bear malice against me?”

Then he said to Cain with bitterness and pain: “If you stretch forth your hand towards me to kill me, I will not stretch my hand towards you to kill you.”

He added: “Cain, do you want to wrong me? If you kill me, you’ll enter the fire!”

Cain behaved rudely. He felt he was stronger than his brother. He wanted to enslave him and to make use of him as he made use of animals.

Abel took his cattle and went away. He forgot his brother’s threats. He was grazing his cattle on the hills and in the green wide valleys. He carefully considered the things around him with love.

Faith filled his heart with peace. He was looking at his sheep grazing in the meadows.

Everything was quiet and beautiful. The sun was pretty. The blue horizon was clear. The brook was flowing in the wide valley. The white birds were flying high in the blue sky.

Monday, March 9, 2009

our father ADAM and mother EVE.PART(8)


Cain was rude and quarrelsome but Abel was calm and peaceful.

Cain hurt his brother Abel. He wanted him to be a slave to him from morning to evening.

Cain wanted Abel to plow the ground and to graze the cattle, for he wanted to spend his time in playing. So he hit his brother Abel.

However, Abel was patient, for Cain was his full brother.

Abel prayed Allah to guide his brother Cain to be good.

Adam was displeased with Cain. He ordered him not to be wicked. One day he said to him:
“Cain, be as good as your brother.”

Another day he said to him:
“Cain, don’t be wicked. Allah doesn’t love the wicked.”

However, Cain did not listen to the advice of his father. He thought that he was better than Abel for he was stronger and taller than him. His muscles were stronger and his head was bigger.

Adam said to his son Cain:

“The pious one is the best one. Cain, Allah looks at hearts. The best is the most pious.”

Cain was stubborn. He cried out: “No! No! No! I’m better than Abel. I’m stronger and bigger than him.”

One day Cain hit his brother Abel very hard.

However, Abel did nothing. He tolerated his brother for his heart was good. He loved his brother. He knew that Cain was ignorant. He feared Allah and did not want to be as wicked as his brother.

Adam wanted to put an end to Cain’s wickedness. He wanted to tell him Allah loved the good, not the wicked.

Adam said to his two sons:
“Each one of you must slaughter a ram for Allah. He whose ram Allah accepts is better for Allah accepts the deeds of the pious.”

Cain set off towards the wheat fields. He heaped up unripe stalks.

Abel went to the cattle. He chose a fat, beautiful, sound ram, for he wanted to slaughter the ram for his Lord.

Adam said to his sons: “Go to those hills.”

Saturday, March 7, 2009

our father ADAM and mother EVE.PART(7)


Life on the earth was not as easy as the life in the garden.

The earth was a planet turning in space. The seasons changed in it. Winter was cold and snow fell heavily during it. It covered the plains and mountains.

Summer was hot. The leaves of trees fell in autumn. Trees became like dried sticks.

The spring came, so the earth became green. Adam remembered the good life in the garden and he wept. He longed for the garden and the good life there.

Adam and his wife Eve chose a beautiful area of the earth to live in it. Wild plants and trees with various shapes and fruits grew in the area.

The days of happiness in the garden ended. There was neither heat nor cold nor hunger nor tiredness.

Now, Adam and Eve had to work. They had to be ready for the coming winter and the cold wind. They had to sleep in a cave before building a wooden hut.

Adam worked till he became tired. The hard work made him sweat.

To avoid death, Adam and Eve had to sow, harvest, mill, knead and bake two loaves of bread.

Adam and Eve remembered the days of happiness in the garden. They yearned for the return to the garden, near Allah Who created them.

They remembered their sin. So they wept and asked Allah for forgiveness.

They ended their life in work, worship and thinking about the future of their children.

Many days passed. Eve gave birth to a boy and girl. Then again she gave birth to a boy and a girl. The population of the earth consisted of six people.

Adam and Eve were happy with their children. The children grew every day. They became young. Abel and Cain went with their father to learn from him. They learned from him how to plow the ground and how to graze the cattle.

Iqlima and Loza, Adam’s two daughters, helped their mother with her house work, such as cooking, sweeping, weaving, etc. Their life required work, activity and effort. Days and years passed.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

our father ADAM and mother EVE.PART(6)


The Angels loved Adam. They loved him because Allah created him with His own hand. They loved him because Allah created him and made him higher in position than them.

The Angels prostrated to Adam because Allah ordered them to do that.

When Adam disobeyed his Lord by eating from that tree he regretted and turned to Allah in repentance.

Allah, our Lord, had mercy on Adam. He accepted his repentance and made him descend to the earth to be His caliph.

Allah sent Adam to the earth test him. He wanted to know whether Adam would worship Him or he would follow Satan.

The Angels loved Adam. They wanted him to lead a life full of good and happiness.

They wanted him to return to the garden. However, Satan hated Adam. He bore malice against him. He envied him and did not prostrate to him. He showed haughtiness towards Allah.

Satan tempted and misled Adam. He urged him to eat from the tree.
Satan hated Adam and wanted him to be unhappy. He wanted him to enter the fire.

Adam landed on the earth. He prostrated to Allah. He regretted deeply because of his sin. However, Allah forgave him. He chose him to be his caliph. Adam was purified from sin.

Adam remembered his wife Eve, for he loved her very much.

He was happy with her. However, he did not know where she was then. He had to look for her.

Adam walked about the earth by himself. He was trying to find his wife Eve.

An angel came to Adam. He said to him: “Eve is at a far-off place in the earth. She is waiting for you. If you follow this way, you will find her.”

Adam became hopeful. He set off to look for Eve. He walked bare-footed for miles and miles.

When Adam got hungry, he ate some wild plants. When it got dark, he felt loneliness. He heard the sounds of animals coming from a distance, so he slept in a safe place.

Adam walked for days and nights. At last he arrived in Mecca. His heart felt he would find Eve at this place or beyond this mountain or that.

Eve was also waiting for Adam. She went up on the top of a mountain. She looked at the horizon but she saw nothing. She went from one mountain to another looking for Adam.

One day Eve was on the top of a mountain looking here and there. She saw a man coming towards her in the distance. She knew that the man was Adam. She went down the mountain and ran towards him. She felt happy and hopeful.

Adam also saw Eve in the distance. He ran towards her. They ran towards each other.

The meeting occurred in the shade of a mountain. Eve wept because of her happiness. So did Adam. They both looked at the clear sky. Thanked Allah, the Exalted, for bringing them together again.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

our father ADAM and mother EVE.PART(5)


Adam and Eve ate from the fruit of that tree. At that moment, a strange event occurred. Their clothes disappeared and they became naked, so they saw their private parts.

There were fig and banana tree with wide leaves. Adam and Eve hid themselves in them.

They were ashamed of themselves, thus they used those wide leaves as clothing to cover their private parts.

They felt of regret, fear and shame. They committed a sin, for they did not follow Allah’s words. Rather they followed Satan’s words. Satan ran away and left them alone.

Adam and Eve heard a voice calling them. The voice belonged to Allah, the Glorified, Who asked them: “Hadn’t to I prevented you from approaching that tree?
Didn’t I say to you that Satan was your enemy and that you shouldn’t let him deceive you?”

Adam and Eve wept because of their sin. They wished they hadn’t listened to Satan’s words.

They bowed to Allah in regret. They said: “Our Lord, we will turn to You in repentance! Accept our repentance! Forgive us our sin! We’ve wronged ourselves! If you didn’t forgive us our sin and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers!”

Adam had known that Allah would forgive his sins through asking for forgiveness, by repentance and regret, thus he regretted and turned to Allah in repentance.

Allah, our Lord, had mercy on Adam and Eve. So, He forgave them their sin. However, Adam and Eve had eaten from that tree. They had disobeyed Allah. Therefore, they had to leave the garden to purify themselves from their sin.

Allah, the Most High, said: “Iblis, go down to the earth.” Then He said to Adam and Eve: “Go down to the earth. The enmity between you and Iblis will continue. He’ll go on deceiving you, however, I’m merciful. If you follow my words and orders, I’ll return you to the garden. If you tell lies and disbelieve (in Me), I’ll punish you as I’ll punish Satan.”

Allah said: Get down; you are enemies to each other. In the earth you will have an abode and provisions for a time. In the earth you will live, in it you will die and from it you will be brought out.”

He added: “Get down from it, you two, all (of you). You are enemies to one another. So there will surely come to you guidance from Me. Then whoever follows my guidance, he shall not go astray nor be unhappy. And whoever turns away from praising Me, he shall surely have a difficult life. And We will raise him blind on the day of Resurrection.”

Adam and Eve became qualified to live on the earth. Adam confessed his sins, thus he was ready to be the caliph of Allah on the earth. He decided to lead a good life in the earth and to refrain from corrupting it.

Angels prostrated to Adam. However, they thought that Adam would cause corruption in the earth and would shed blood, for Adam knew the names angels did not know. He know all the names. Angels knew neither freedom nor will nor sin nor repentance. They did not know that one could correct his sin through repentance. For this reason Allah created Adam. He wanted him to be his caliph in the earth.

Suddenly, through Allah’s absolute power, Adam, Eve and Iblis descended to the earth. Each one of them landed at a place in the earth.

Adam landed on the top of a mountain in Saran dib. Eve landed on al-Marwa Mountain in Mecca. Iblis landed in the lowest land.

He landed in a salt valley in Basrah, near the waters of the Gulf.

Thus, human life started on the earth. The conflict between man and Satan began.

Many animals had lived before our father Adam and mother Eve landed on the surface of the earth. However, they were unable to resist the ice that piled up for thousands of years. So they died and became extinct. There was an animal called the mammoth. It was like the elephant but it was covered with wool. This animal lived in Siberia. There was another animal like the rhinoceros but it was also covered with wool. This animal was also unable to resist ice and severe cold, so it died and perished.

There were huge wonderful birds. They also died and became extinct.

Then the ice melted and severe cold ended. Warmth returned slowly to the earth.

Allah ordered Adam and Eve to descend to the earth. He wanted Adam to be His caliph in the earth. He wanted him to plant, build and inhabit this beautiful planet.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Our father ADAM and our mother EVE. PART(4)


Allah dismissed Iblis from the ranks of angels, for his intentions appeared in the first examination. His selfishness and haughtiness became apparent, so he was stoned and cursed and had no place among angels.

Iblis showed malice and envy towards Adam and his wife, thus he spared no effort to deceive them and to take them out of the garden.

He spoke to himself: “I know how to deceive them. They will listen to my words. I will invite them to eat from that tree, thus Adam will be unhappy. He will be as unhappy as I am. Adam will dismiss him from the garden. Eve will also be unhappy.”


Iblis came to Adam and Eve to whisper evil to them. He asked them: “Have you seen all the tree of the garden?”

Adam replied: “Yes, we have seen them all and eaten from their fruit.”

Iblis explained: “That is useless, for you have not eaten from the tree of immortality. Indeed, it is the tree of immortal life. When you eat some of its fruit, you will be like two angels in the garden.”

Eve said: “Adam, come on! Let’s eat from the tree of immortality!”

Adam said: “Eve, our Lord has prevented us from approaching the tree.”

To tempt Adam and Eve, Iblis said: “Allah has prevented you from approaching that tree because it is the tree of immortality. He doesn’t want you to be like two kings. So, he said: ،Don’t approach that tree. ُ I advise you to eat from it, for you will be two angels and you will never die. You will be immortal. You will be happy in this garden for ever.”

Adam said to his wife: “I will never disobey my lord!”

Iblis said: “Come on! Let me show you the tree! It’s over there, in the middle of the garden!”

Iblis went away. Adam and Eve followed him. Iblis was walking haughtily.

Referring to the tree, Iblis said: “That’s the tree. How beautiful it is! How delicious its fruit is!”

Adam and Eve looked at the tree and said: “Indeed, it’s fascinating. It’s fruit is delicious. It’s like the wheat tree, but it has various fruit, such as apples and grapes.”

Iblis asked: “Why don’t you eat from it? I swear by Allah I want to advise you. I advise you to eat from its fruit.

Iblis swore before Adam and Eve that he wanted to do good and offer immortality to them.

At that critical moment, Adam forgot his Lord. He forgot Allah’s words. He thought that he would worship Allah and that he would lead an immortal life.

During those exciting moments, Eve stretched out her hand to get the fruit of the tree. She picked some fruits and ate them. “Delicious!” she exclaimed. Then she gave Adam some. Adam forgot Allah’s word, so he ate the fruit.

Iblis became happy. He laughed in a satanic manner for he succeeded in tempting Adam and Eve.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Our father ADAM and our mother EVE. PART(3)

All angels prostrated to Adam. They obeyed Allah, glorified His name and circled Him. Iblis(Satan) belonged to the jinn. He disobeyed Allah’s orders when he did not prostrate to Adam. Allah, the Glorified, asked: “I’m better than him. You created me from fire and created him from clay. Fire is better than clay.”

Allah dismissed Iblis from His presence. He dismissed him from His mercy. Iblis bore malice against Adam from that time.

Iblis envied Adam and then harbored hatred against him. He was a haughty, envious and spiteful creature. He loved no one except himself.

Iblis devoted all his time to mislead Adam.

Allah dismissed Iblis from His mercy. He said to him: “Go out! You are cursed! My curse will be on you till the Day of Judgment!

Iblis said: “My Lord, give me time till the Day of Judgment.” Allah, the Glorified, said: “You are of the respited ones till the Judgment Day.”

Iblis said: “As You have caused me to remain disappointed, I will for them in Your straight path.”

How cursed Iblis was! How stubborn and deceitful he was! He said that Allah, the glorified, tempted him. He did not blame himself for his disobeying to Allah. He did not say that he envied Adam and bore malice against him. He did not say that he was haughty, for he did not prostrate to Adam and did not obey Allah.

Iblis became an unbeliever. He became haughty and than he became an unbeliever. He thought that he was better than Adam, for he was created from fire and Adam was created from dust and clay.

Iblis was selfish. He forgot that Allah created him. Allah ordered him to carry out His orders. However, Iblis disobeyed Allah.


Allah created Adam alone. Then He created Eve for him. Adam rejoiced at his wife and she rejoiced at meeting him.

Allah, the Glorified, made our father Adam and our mother Eve live in the garden.

The garden was a very beautiful place. It had many rivers and immortal green tree.

It was an everlasting spring. It had neither heat nor cold, rather, it had fresh breezes.

When one filled his chest with those breezes, he felt happy.

Allah, our Lord, said to Adam: “Live you and your wife in the garden. Eat from it whenever you want.

“Live wherever you like and eat whatever you like.

“You will be happy in the garden for there is neither tiredness nor hunger nor thirst in it.

“Be careful not to approach that tree. Be careful not to listen to Ibis’s words for he will deceive you. He is your and your wife’s enemy. Adam, he will envy you and he will bear malice against you.”

Adam and his wife Eve lived in the garden. They enjoyed its shade and ate from its fruit. They were happy.

Adam and Eve were very happy for Allah had created them with His own hand and gave them all things. Angels loved them, for Allah created and loved them.

Adam and Eve walked about the garden. They ate from its fruit and sat at the banks of its rivers. The banks were fascinating.

The rivers were full of corundum and agate. Fresh clear water washed their feet. There were rivers of delicious honey and rivers of yogurt. There were birds and flowers. Adam and Eve were very happy in the garden, for everything in it belonged to them.

They ate from all the fruits, which were of various shapes, colors and smell, however, they were all delicious.

Adam and Eve always passed by a tree in the middle of the garden. The tree was very beautiful and its fruit was hanging. Adam and Eve only looked at it for Allah had prevented them from approaching it and eating from its fruit.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Our father ADAM and our mother EVE. PART(2)

During that period of time, the earth ,the waves of seas and storms became calm. Many volcanoes were extinguished.
Jungles grew and became dense. They were full of animals and birds. Fresh water gushed out of springs.
Rivers flowed.
The good wind carried clouds to deserts. The rain poured down to enliven the deserts.
When good wind carried clouds to deserts. The rain poured down to enliven the deserts.
The earth became green. Plants and jungles became fascinating. Fresh water flowed in rivers. Cool, fresh water gushed out of springs. Birds woke by day. They flew to look for food .Animals woke day too and went here and there to search for food.
Deer ran in jungles. Ibexes ran at the foot of the mountains .Butterflies flew about gardens looking for the nectar of flowers. Wild animals roared in the jungles. Every thing in the earth grew and reproduced, so the earth was full of life and beauty.
Trees bore fruit. Sheep and goats went to caves to escape from wild animals.
Everything followed the way o God(Allah), the Great and Glorified .The earth was very pretty. It was colorful. The oceans were blue and the jungles were green. Hills were covered with plants. Deserts were brown and ice was white. The rays of the sun were red at rising, but man had no existence yet.
At a moment of divine favor and mercy, God (Allah) breathed life into the clay statue. The statue sneezed and said “ Praise belongs to Allah. “
The sprit crept into Adam. He breathed, open his eyes and moved his hands and legs. He became a normal human being.
Then he rose and walked away. He began to think and consider. He knew the beautiful and the ugly. He recognizes the truth and falsehood, good and evil, happiness and unhappiness.
God ordered angels to prostrate to Adam. He ordered them to prostrate to what He created and said "Blessed be God, the Best of Creators!" to himself because of creating that creature. All angels prostrated to Adam. Angels knew nothing except obedience to God. They always glorified God. They always submitted to God. However, there was another creature. The creature did not prostrate to Adam. This was a jinn. God created the jinn six thousand years before He created our father, Adam. No one knows whether these years were spent on the earth or on other stars.God created the jinn from fire. Iblis (Satan) did not prostrate to Adam. He did not obey God. He spoke to himself: "I am better then Adam, for I have been created from fire." Iblis (Satan) was haughty. He refrained from prostrating to Adam, who was created from clay.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Our father ADAM and our mother EVE. PART(1)

Allah created the universe millions of years ago. He created stars, planets and skies. He created angels from light. He created the jinn from fire. He created the earth.
The earth was not the same as it is today. It was basically covered with water. Waves were rough. The wind blew strongly. Volcanoes were ablaze. Huge meteors attacked the earth.
There was no life on the earth, in the sea and on lands.
Millions of years ago, small fishes appeared in the sea and simple plants appeared on the land. Then life developed gradually. Animals like reptiles and amphibians appeared on the surface of the earth.
Dinosaurs of various kinds appeared, too. From time to time, ice covered the earth. So, plants and animals died. New kinds replaced them. From time to time ,the ice melted and life retuned to the earth again.
Long ago, the earth was unstable because of volcanoes, earthquakes, strong winds and rough waves. Ice had not melted yet. Allah(God) took earth from heights, plains, salt marches and fertile land. He mixed the earth with water, so the earth became clay with solid molecules. From that day, Allah, the Glorified, created a shape like man. The shape had a head, two eyes, a tongue, two lips, a nose, two ears, a heart, two hands, a chest and two legs.
The water steamed. The man-like shape became as solid as stone. The wind was whistling through it.
That shape remained sleeping for a long time. Nobody knows the length of time except God.