Saturday, April 11, 2009

The story of prophet NOAH. PART(8)

It stopped raining. The earth swallowed up its water. The level of water abated day by day.

The mountains and the hills appeared. Some valleys were still full of water.

Allah inspired Noah: “O Noah, descend with peace from us and blessings on you and on the people from among those who are with you.”

Noah and the believers left the Ark. They descended from the mountain.

The earth became clean and pure. The believers returned to their life. They were a small society. However, the society was free from the unbelievers. It believed in Allah and His Apostle.

Life came back to the earth. The believing society led a peaceful life. There was neither oppressor nor oppressed one.

There was neither thief nor wrong-doer. Prophet Noah and the believers led a life of peace.

Noah lived a long life. His age was very long, for he invited his people to believe in Allah for 950 years.

How old was Noah when Allah sent him to his people? How long did he live after the flood? No body knows that. However, he lived a long life.

Noah was sitting under the sun when the angel of death came to him. The angel of death asked him: “You’ve lived a long life. What’s your opinion of life?”

Noah rose, sat in the shade and said: “My life in this world was as this movement from the sunlight to this shade.”

Noah closed his eyes. He carried out his message and saved people from destruction.

For this reason, Allah, the glorified, singled Noah out with immortal greetings. That was when He said: “Peace and salutation to Noah among the nations.”


In July 1950, some Russian archeologists looked for ruins in the Qāf Valley. They found old pieces of wood scattered about. This urged them to drill deeper in the ground. They found other fossil pieces of wood.

The archeologists found an oblong piece of wood. The piece was 14 inches long and 10 inches wide. The archeologists were astonished to see the piece of wood. For the piece of wood was unchanged. It was not decayed or broken as the other pieces of wood were.

In 1952, the archeologists discovered that piece of wood belonged to the Ark of Noah (A. S.) and that the other pieces of wood belonged to the body of Noah’s Ark.

The historians mentioned that the Ark of Noah (A. S.) anchored on the top of Mount Qāf. Some letters were written on the piece of wood. The letters dated back to an ancient language.

The Russian government formed a team of archeologists in 1953. The team included seven professionals in ancient languages.

They are as follow:
1. Sula Nouf, Professor of Languages, Moscow University.
2. Ifahan Khnyo, a scholar in ancient languages, Lolohan College, China.
3. Mishanin Lo, manager of ancient monuments.
4. Tanmol Gorf, Professor of Languages, Kivzo College.
5. Day Rakn, Professor of ancient monuments, Linin Institute.
6. Im Ahmed Kolad, manager of general excavations and discoveries.
7. Major Kolad, Head of Stalin University.

After an eight- month- study, the above- mentioned linguists concluded that the piece of wood belonged to Noah’s Ark. They also concluded that Prophet Noah (A. S.) had nailed it the front part of his Ark to protect it from the flood.

The letters on this piece of wood were written in a Semitic language. The British scholar, Ef Max, professor translated the letters into English as follows:

O my Lord and Helper,
Help me through your favor and mercy.
(Help me) for the sake of these names: Mohammed, Alia, shabur, shabir, and Fatima.

They are all great and honorable.

The world is standing for them.

Help me by their names.

Only you can guide me to the straight path.

The foregoing scholars were astonished at the greatness of the above-mentioned five names and the rank of their owners with Allah, The Most High. Noah (A. S.) supplicated to Allah through these names.

However, no one of them knew the reason why the piece of wood did not decay despite being there for thousands of years. It is worth mentioning that this piece of wood is now in the Moscow Museum.

Prophet Mohammed (S. A. W.) said: “My family is like Noah’s Ark. Whoever embarked on it was saved. Whoever missed it drowned?”


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