Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The story of prophet NOAH. PART(1)


When we certain mountains and hills, we will find sea shells on their tops and at the bottom. Thus, we understand that water covered these places at one time.

People and mountain climbers see shells on heights in many parts of the world, such as Iraq, Iran, India, Egypt, Syria, China, America, etc.

The archeologists found wooden tablets on the top of Ararāt Mountain. The tablets date back to 2500 before the birth of Prophet Jesus Christ (A. S.). Some of the archeologists believe the Ark of Prophet Noah (A. S.).

In the year 1951, a team of archeologists found a wooden tablet on the top of Qāf Mountain.

There is an ancient writing on the tablet. After a year of study, the archeologists concluded that this small wooden tablet to the Ark of Noah (A. S.).

What is the story of that Ark? What is the story of the flood? What is the story of Prophet Noah. (A. S.)?

People were one community. They led a simple life. They farmed their Land and hunted animals.

Days and years passed. The strong made use of their strength. They oppressed their weak brothers.

The weak were afraid of the strong. So they submitted to them and were satisfied with a life of abasement and enslavement.

Pagan beliefs spread during the lifetime of Prophet Noah (A. S.). Corruption became public. Simple people were afraid of the strong. The strong worshipped idols.

At that time, perhaps over four thousand years ago, Prophet Noah (A. S.) lived in the land of the two rivers.

Prophet Noah noticed that his people led a life full of corruption and deviation from the truth. The strong deprived the weak of their rights. The rich persecuted the poor and forced them to work day and night. When the poor wanted to free themselves and their families, the rich used to hit and torture them. The rich wanted to enslave the poor.

People forgot to worship Allah, the One and Only. they worshipped idols they made of stone. They thought that the idols would bestow upon them, send down rain to them, protect them from dangerous thunderbolts, grant them good and drive misfortunes away from them.

People made the idols with own hands and put them on the dank of the river Euphrates. They called the idols wadd, Sawā"ُ, Yaghūth, Ya.ُūq and Nasr. They worshipped them and bowed to them.

Prophet Noah was sad when he saw his people prostrating to those idols. Noah looked at the sky. He prayed to his Lord to save his people from that ignorance.

Allah, our Lord, chose Noah and sent him to the people to teach them how to worship Allah, the One and Only.

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