Thursday, March 26, 2009

The story of prophet NOAH. PART(3)

They added: “Why does Allah not send us anyone other than you? You’re poor!”

Noah said to them: “people, don’t accuse Allah’s messenger of lying. Surely Allah will punish you for that,”
The unbelievers said to him: “You dispute with us very much. If you are truthful, then let Allah punish us. We’re not afraid of your threats for you are a liar.”

However, Noah went on summoning his people to worship Allah, the One and Only. Hundreds of years passed. People died. Babies were born. They became grown-ups. They were also unbelievers. They prostrated to idols and did not worship Allah.

Do you know how many years the summons of Prophet Noah (A. S.) lasted? It lasted 950 years.

Noah became an old man but he was still strong. He was not afraid the unbelievers.

The unbelievers hit Noah many times. ? The plotted against him many times for they wanted to kill him.

Noah’s wife was an unbeliever. She spied on him and the believers who came to visit him.

Many times, Noah summoned his people to follow him. He advised and preached them. However, all his efforts went in vain.

They mocked him. Noah loved his people. He wanted to guide them. So he wept for them. He wept for their bad fate, for they would die as unbelievers.

One day, Noah was in his house. An old man leaning on a rod came to him. His little grandson accompanied him.

The old man said to his grandson: “Grandson, look at that old man. He’s mad. Beware of him. For he’ll deceive you. Do not stop worshipping the idols wadd, Sawā"،, Yaghūth, Ya،ūq and Nasr.

The boy took his grandfather’s rod, walked to Noah and hit him on the head!

Prophet Noah became sad. However, he was patient as he had been before.

Noah thought that his people would believe in Allah, the One and Only, the Creator of life, people, trees, rivers, etc.

Noah lived in this way. His wife opposed him. She Noah had children. they all believe but he was an unbeliever. He did not believe in Allah, the Most High.

An angel came down from the sky and said to Prophet Noah: “No matter how much you invite your people, they would not believe in Allah. Don’t tire yourself for them, for they’re a cursed people.”
At that time, Noah raised his two hands towards the sky. He asked Allah to purify the earth from the wickedness of the unbelievers.

In this connection, he said: “My Lord, Do not leave on the earth any of the unbelievers. If you leave them, they will mislead Your servants and raise immoral, ungrateful (children).”


Allah, the Glorified, inspired prophet Noah to make a big Ark. Noah (A. S.) had refrained from inviting his people, for he invite them for 950 years but no one believed him. The unbelievers asked each other: “Why has Noah kept silent? Why doesn’t he invite them to believe in Allah? Has anyone seen him?”

Noah chose a place outside the village to build a big Ark.

Noah was a skillful carpenter. He had to gather big pieces of wood.

The believers came to help the Prophet with his work. They gathered dried trees and date-palms. They made boards of different sizes.

It was difficult to build the Ark because it was big.

Noah made the Ark with three floors. The Ark was 200 m. long, 70m. wide and 25m. high.

The unbelievers did not leave Noah alone. They came to the place of his work. They mocked the Prophet and the believers.

Noah was busy making the Ark. Some believers brought boards: some believers nailed the Ark: some believers pitched it.

The unbelievers mocked Noah and the believers, saying: “Look at those mad people! They’re making an Ark in the desert!”

One of the unbelievers said: “Oh, look! That’s Noah. He has become insane!”

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